GTBikeV is a mod for GTA V that turns a Smart Bike Trainer, or cycling power meter, into the game controller, making your game time actual training time.
You’ll have a cycling workout immersed in the GTA V world environment.
The mod listens to the ANT+ wireless protocol signal from an ANT+ FE-C compatible trainer (Tacx, Wahoo, Elite, Bkool, Kinetic, Saris, etc…) or a cycling power meter, reads the speed and applies it to the vehicle your character is riding during the game. It reads the incline of the terrain, the roughness (material) and the wind in the game and sends all that information to the smart trainer so it can reproduce the hardness of the terrain you are actually riding.
The mod records your training into a FIT file, accompanied with periodic screenshots, that you can later upload to Strava or your favorite training app to track your progress. The FIT file is complete with fake GPS location to make your virtual training more realistic.
The mod features a course reader which auto drives you around Los Santos following different routes of various difficulty levels.
The author of this mod for GTA V is Nestor Matas, (AKA Makinolo) who started learning GTA modding and doing the first proof of concepts back in 2017.
This site is intended to be a central repository for all the add ons the community is creating around this mod, and for all the documentation regarding how to install and trouble shoot it.
We hope you enjoy it!